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Aceasta este librăria Campus Pride, unde puteți găsi diferite articole academice, lucrări sau texte care au ca subiect tematici LGBTQ+, atât în engleză, cât și în română.
Articole in limba romana
English articles
- Predictors of homophobia in a sample of Romanian young adults: age, gender, spirituality, attachment styles, and moral disengagement
- The Role of Openness to Experience and Sexual Identity Formation in LGB Individuals: Implications for Mental Health
- A National Survey on Depression, Internalized Homophobia, College Religiosity, and Climate of Acceptance on College Campuses for Sexual Minority Adults
- Stage of Sexual Minority Identity Formation: The Impact of Shame, Internalized Homophobia, Ambivalence Over Emotional Expression, and Personal Mastery
- Different Patterns of Sexual Identity Development over Time: Implications for the Psychological Adjustment of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youths
- The Relationship Between Internalized Homonegativity and Body Image Concerns in Sexual Minority Men: A Meta-Analysis
- Is Internalized Homonegativity Related to Body Image?
- Body Image Concerns of Gay Men: The Roles of Minority Stress and Conformity to Masculine Norms
- Minority Stress and the Risk of Unwanted Sexual Experiences in LGBQ Undergraduates
- Internalized Heterosexism: Measurement, Psychosocial Correlates, and Research Directions